To meet these objectives, SIAM works closely with stakeholders in the formulation of the economic and commercial policies, regulations and standards relating to automobiles. It provides economic and statistical information as well as technical and public policy services to the stakeholders on behalf of Indian Automobile Industry. It publishes Monthly Industry Statistics, Monthly Commodity Price Monitor and other periodic reports. SIAM organises seminars and workshops on the subjects of topical relevance and interest to the industry. It also carries out various public policy activities, particularly in the field of Road Safety and Environment.
SIAM works closely with various Government departments, both at Central and State level and with international bodies like International Organisation of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA), International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA) and coordinates with other counterpart international associations.
SIAM, along with ACMA and CII organises Auto Expo, a widely acclaimed biennial auto exhibition showcasing the trends in the Auto Industry.
SIAM aims to promote Sustainable Mobility through focused initiatives and campaigns on जैविक पहल (Bio Initiative), हरित हाइड्रोजन (Hydrogen Mobility), गैस गतिशीलता (Gas based mobility), विधुतीकरण (Electrification), चक्रीयता (Circularity) and सुरक्षित सफर (Safe Journey) in alignment with Sustainable Development Goals, 2030 and Net Zero by 2070.