SIAM has embarked upon a unique Vehicle Safety Lecture Series for integrating and mainstreaming the road vehicle regulations and standards imperative for attaining safer roads and accident free mobility. The previous 1-5th environment lecture series in August-October 2020 and were highly appreciated and acknowledged. In continuation, SIAM has proposed to organize 6th 7th and 8th Tri-lecture series on the highly pertinent theme i.e.on “Active & Passive Vehicular Safety Standards”
As you may be aware that vehicle safety is an urgent health and development matter across the globe. A high number of deaths on the world’s roads, an estimated 1.35 million people killed each year. In addition, as many as 50 million people are injured. On average, they cost countries 3% of their GDP. At the National level, a total 4,37,396 road accidents were recorded in 2019, resulting in the death of 1,54,732 people and injuries to another 4,39,262, which enormously high and needs urgent redressal.
With the objective of minimizing the road accidents, India’s interventions on vehicle Safety include seat belt reminder, air bags, speed alerts, reverse cameras, anti-lock braking systems, a strong advocacy policy etc. The most important initiative being the Motor Vehicle Amendment Act 2019 which, inter-alia, provides for a stiff hike in penalties for traffic violations. The Government is also working to improve the quality of accident data collection with use of IT based systems which would also help in getting the real-time causative analysis of the road accidents.
SIAM being highly conscious of social, environmental and sustainable mobility issues had launched an environment and vehicle safety lecture series on WED-2020 to create requisite awareness and knowledge dissemination to protect environment and minimize road accidents including deaths and injuries. The first edition of Tri-lectures series on Active & Passive Vehicular Safety Standards have been conceived on the themes given below:
6th Lecture : Safety features of Buses / Commercial Vehicles - 27th November 2020, 2.30-5.00 pm
7th Lecture : Safety Features of Passenger Vehicles - 4th December 2020, 10.30am – 1.00pm
8th Lecture : Technology and Safety Features of Two & Three Wheelers - 11th December 2020, 10.30am – 1.00pm
The focus of lecture series will be as under:
Vehicle safety policies, regulations, and standards.
Global experiences,
Vehicle safety principles & concept,
Vehicle features, design & technology,
Stockholm Declaration 2020 for road safety for 2030
We extend our invitation for you and your colleagues to participate in the 6th lecture series on the theme of ‘Safety features of Buses / Commercial Vehicles- 27th November 2020’. We are looking for your participation and patronage. May we also request you to share this information with your members to participate. Kindly use the link given below to register.
We would like to mention that to provide value for money a nominal payment of Rs 1800 as registration fee would enable participants to avail benefits of tri-lecture series on vehicle safety regulations and standards. Registration Fee: Rs 1800/- inclusive of GST (for both the lectures). May we also mention here that upon successful participation, an e-Certificate will be awarded to all the participants for the above tri-lecture series.